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A meditation course that opens your mind to new possibilities through stillness and presence. Learn the fundamentals of meditation, how to establish a practice and techniques to still the mind. This course will help you to become more comfortable in your own skin, develop patience, concentration, and a deeper understanding of your own self,  including hidden layers of your personality.


Watch the first 3 videos of Alchemy Of Meditation

on my YouTube channel for FREE!


  • MEDITATION HACKS  –  Calm the mind and rest in present-moment awareness
  • HEART CONNECTION  –  Create heart & brain coherence to connect body and mind.
  • PSYCHIC PROTECTION  –  Protect yourself from negative energy and psychic attacks.
  • GROUNDING ENERGY  –  Grounding is crucial to remain rooted in 3D reality
  • CHAKRA ALIGNMENT  –  Purify, energise and harmonise all your energy centers
  • TANTRIC METHODS  –  Systematic practices designed to create spiritual awakening
  • MANTRA JAPA  –  Repetition on mystical sound frequencies to unravel the mind


Meditation can change your life and your very sense of who you are. There is a reason it has been around for thousands of years and practiced by people from all walks of life and in all parts of the globe. It can help you to awaken spiritually. Not only that, meditation also has physical benefits, such as lowering your blood pressure, reducing pain, releasing tension and anxiety.


Ultimately, meditation will allow you to deal better with the stresses and strains of modern life. The end goal of meditation is complete relaxation and mindfulness. This means that you become the witnessing consciousness of your thoughts and emotions. By being mindful and present, you can learn how to quiet and ultimately control the racing thoughts and feelings that are continuously running through you. There are literally dozens of meditation benefits such as:


–  Reduces stress & anxiety

–  Enhances self-awareness

–  Improves memory & attention span

–  Generates kindness and compassion

–  Helps to control pain & improves sleep

–  Promotes emotional health & wellbeing


A lot of people already know how good meditation is and that they should be doing it but they just don’t know how. If you’re one of these people this course will help you get started. Meditation is a lot easier than most people think as it doesn’t involve any type of doing. But rather the opposite, when you drop everything you are doing and simply sit still, focus on the breath and let the mind become quiet at its own course.



01. Welcome To Meditation
02. Connecting To Heart
03. Meditation Tips & Mindfulness
04. Psychic Protection
05. What Is Meditation
06. Grounding Meditation
07. Recharging The Chakras
08. Dissolving Into Sensation
09. Aum Meditation
10. Heart Space Meditation
11. Spinal Breathing
12. Soham Mantra
13. Open Awareness