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Our intention is to provide tools and guidance for the ascension of mankind by raising human awareness and restoring the sense of interconnectedness with oneself and the entire world.  We want to celebrate and honor ancient wisdom traditions and make them accessible to modern-day seekers who are ready to do the work and dive deep into their own psyche and consciousness. Our vision is to reawaken the original memory of who we are beyond our social conditioning and create deeply nourishing healing spaces, for individuals to experience extraordinary states of consciousness in a safely held container. We believe in the transformative power of sacred ceremony, prayer, ritual and community.


Since Tapovan’s teenage years, he was fascinated by the supernatural. He knew there was much more to life than what meets the eye. He was eager to find out what lies beyond our ordinary perception so he started inquiring into the nature of our existence through yoga and meditation. This quest eventually led him to India where he studied with his gurus and enlightened masters for several years absorbing their infinite wisdom and compassion.

They kindled the smouldering fire within him which became a burning desire to know and to experience. He realised that he needed to fully dedicate his life to the path of self-discovery and help others also to reconnect with their own inner bliss and freedom. Intellectual knowledge is always limited regardless of how much you know but inner wisdom has an infinite nature, it is boundless. It is the knowledge worth attaining because once you FULLY “know thyself” you know the entire of Creation.

My story

I was born and raised in a small village in Hungary. I spent a lot of time outdoors in nature playing in the woods and country fields. I always felt connected to the elements, the cycles of the seasons, and enjoyed all the mysteries Mother Earth has to offer. My curiosity piqued as I sought to understand the supernatural & the mysteries of life that conventional science had no explanation for.

I was fascinated by the power of the mind so I got into Buddhist meditation early on which inspired me to study Hungarian shamanism and energy healing extensively. I learned many useful and exciting modalities in the start of my journey, but I felt a lack of structure and purpose. I had a strong spiritual call and I went to visit India where I ended up spending over four years immersed in Kriya Yoga and the Eight-Step Path to Enlightenment. I was initiated into Babaji’s Kriya Yoga, received mantra diksha, found my gurus, learned tantric rituals and most importantly techniques on how to realise the Self. I stayed and studied with my masters for years, absorbing their incredible wisdom, fully immersed in their teachings and the process of self-discovery.

I completed several yoga teacher trainings, read the Vedic scriptures and many books written on the vast subject of yoga. My journey continues until this day as I continue to educate myself through satsanga, trainings, workshops, and reading because I believe learning never ends. A good student will become a good teacher and a good teacher remains a good student. My focus is on self-exploration through breathwork, pranayama, meditation, mantra practice and Kriya yoga. I teach what I practice, and I practice what I teach. My mission is to spread the authentic knowledge of the Himalayan masters and guide modern yoga away from acrobatics back to the art of self-mastery.